Our mission is to help children from low-income families acquire the necessary skills in academics and social interaction to move successfully through grades K-12 and into adulthood. We do this by providing after school and summer programs which emphasize literacy and community involvement and use the talents of teachers, volunteer tutors, adult caregivers and a variety of local support services.

Math Games

Websites for Fact Practice

Gamequarium has all sorts of math facts practice – and mostly in gaming format.

This site, called Multiplication.com, has fact practice, fluency tests, and games on multiplication.

KidsGames has fluency tests for all operations. The player can choose the type of fact, the difficulty, and the time to complete.

This site, KidsNumbers.com, has many games of all types for each operation and some at advanced levels.

This site generates worksheets and paper-and-pencil drill sheets for math facts.

The Oswego, NY, website has a lot of games – this one happens to be Math Magicians, which some schools have used in the past for math fact fluency.

This site offers great fames for building fact fluency for all operations.

A+ Math offers many games and activities to practice facts – many require the use of Java to see them.

This site has windows for parents, teachers and students to aid in learning math facts.

Time Attack says it’s the most effective way to teach math facts – try it for your self and see!

MAP-related games