Our mission is to help children from low-income families acquire the necessary skills in academics and social interaction to move successfully through grades K-12 and into adulthood. We do this by providing after school and summer programs which emphasize literacy and community involvement and use the talents of teachers, volunteer tutors, adult caregivers and a variety of local support services.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Celebrating Gratitude

Best Volunteers Ever!

I am convinced that the Glen Ellyn Children's Resource Center volunteers, donors, partners, and members of the literacy team at large are the best! Keep up the STUPENDOUS work everyone - you are making such a difference!

Holiday Giving Program Volunteer Opportunity
Each year, the District 41 Community Outreach Committee participates in the Holiday Giving Program with the Glen Ellyn Juniors to provide holiday gifts for our District 41 children and families in need. The Community Outreach Committee solicits donations from our school families to provide personal hygiene products, grocery store gift cards, Target/Kohl's gift cards, toys and books to our families, including all of the families of the GECRC children.
The Committee will need help with the organizing the gifts (making sure each family has the correct gifts/cards and boxing gifts for delivery). The organizing part of this will take place in mid-December (date to be determined) during the day and into the evening, as necessary. We will also need help with delivery of the gifts to the families. This will take place on a Saturday morning in December, quite possibly December 12th. Volunteers can choose to sign up for one or both of these activities and can give as little or as much time as they are able.
If you are interested in volunteering or have any questions please contact Karen Evans at Supplies4Success@gmail.com.


This past week GECRC students will be joining 20,000 other students in a quest to write The Great Elementary School Novel. For the entire month of November, our young authors will be participating in National Novel Writing Month's Young Writers Program challenge. Collectively, 34 of our students will attempt to write 50,000 words in 30 days. (Yes, we did indeed say 50,000.) Yes, this is a huge mountain of writing to climb, and yes, there will be piles of crumpled paper and an ocean of eraser bits settling over the resource center next month, but do we have any doubt in our minds that our students can complete this? Nope! To lessen the shock of this, though, (because, yes, their mouths are going to be on the floor when we give them this task), we need your help! We need your patience, your talent, and, most importantly, your encouragement to help show this challenge who's boss. Our students benefit the most when they can work one-on-one with volunteers, and your help with this undertaking is no exception. So grab some pencils, turn on your imaginations, and get ready to help our students tackle the NaNoWriMo beast, one word at a time.

For more information on what NaNoWriMo is all about, visit http://www.nanowrimo.org/

We hope each of you are enjoying these beautiful autumn afternoons! We look forward to seeing you soon!

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