Our mission is to help children from low-income families acquire the necessary skills in academics and social interaction to move successfully through grades K-12 and into adulthood. We do this by providing after school and summer programs which emphasize literacy and community involvement and use the talents of teachers, volunteer tutors, adult caregivers and a variety of local support services.

Thursday, January 14, 2010


It's back! SPELLAPALOOZA! will return this year in just two months - Friday night, March 12. Once again the event will be held in the Glenbard West auditorium and will feature last year's wonderful master of ceremonies, Don Schwenneker of CBS/Channel 2. If you were there last year, you already know how much fun the evening will be. If not, you missed a wildly exciting and very entertaining event that raised over $6,000.00 for the Glen Ellyn Children's Resource Center. This year we're aiming for even bigger, better and more profitable! Therefore, we need your help!

Here are a few ways you can help:

Right now - Visit stores and businesses in town to sell ad space in our program and solicit door prizes to give away during the spelling bee. Printed materials and sample programs will be provided for you.

Follow up - We will need someone to go back around a week before the event to pick up door prizes, get them organized and then delivered to Glenbard West the afternoon of March 12th.

Two weeks before Spellapalooza - Between Friday, February 26th and Monday, March 1st we will need individuals to hang flyers advertising the event in store windows downtown. We also need someone creative who is suave with words to help write the script for the evening. We may have to make some changes so make sure your flexible bones are in gear and ready for spontaneous alternations!

March 12th - We need ushers = Take tickets, hand out programs, notepads, pencils, sell audience participation cards. There will be a brief meeting for ushers at Glenbard West on Thursday evening, March 11th to go over everything.

So let us know how you'd like to help! Spellapalooza is the primary means in which GECRC will be able to fund our summer program and the beginning of next year school year. If you want more info about what's involved in any of the above jobs, just ask! Please contact Kasey O'Connell at 630-545-9846 (home) or 630-605-7247 (cell) or kasey.oconnell@sbcglobal.net (email)

Thank you for all your support!

In Other News

There will be NO GECRC on Monday, January 18th due to Martin Luther King Jr. Day.

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