Our mission is to help children from low-income families acquire the necessary skills in academics and social interaction to move successfully through grades K-12 and into adulthood. We do this by providing after school and summer programs which emphasize literacy and community involvement and use the talents of teachers, volunteer tutors, adult caregivers and a variety of local support services.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

GECRC Summer Program - Take One

Were you the Mysterious Guest?
This afternoon The Awesome Chewbaccas and Silly Jumping All-Star Dragons took part in a Writing Workshop on How to Be a Spy. With wigs fitting tightly, glasses mounted and draped with a variety of hats and scarves over 40 kids took part in a lesson on how to be a Spy, follow clues and solve mysteries. Curious on what the mystery was, who our mystery guest was and what clues led them to solving the mystery?

I would love to tell you but I sworn to secrecy. I guess you'll all have to come on in and talk with the students to find out.

Weren't those just a pile of books yesterday?
Can you believe it! That's exactly what the mound of cardboard held only yesterday before our summer student ripped into each box and paper bag. Splitting into teams, each class took time yesterday to divide and conquer the mass of books to build our first ever GECRC Summer Library. By taking time to place each book in it's proper place according to genre, each student learned about genres, increased their exposure to various types of literature and learned how to alphabetize.

We all can't wait until our library is complete and we can rest in the Beach Area, sit back in the tent or put on our disguises to read!

Did you just say that there was a pack of Ferocious Wolves waiting for me at the Resource Center?
Yes, and please be careful. When you come into the Resource Center Summer Program, please BEWARE! There has been a pack of ferocious wolves hanging around the far North West corner of Lincoln School. If you don't watch where you going, they have been known to sneak up on you in their great disguise.

Since we're on that subject - I was speaking with Beni, the Lincoln School custodian, this morning and he wanted me to pass along that they there have been some funky monkeys hanging out with the wolves. They are often quiet and stay to themselves but when they are feeling feisty - they have been know to be swinging off the lights and making lots of noise. If you see one, please send them into Rebekah's classroom.

Beni shared that for the most part we don't have to worry about either the ferocious wolves or the funky monkeys because keeping the peace are the Silly Jumping All-Star Dragons. We're not sure how this purple, green, polka-dot, spiny back, leather skinned dragon came to find his home at Lincoln School but we're sure glad he did to keep us safe.

What's interesting though is The Awesome Chewbacca who has only been spotted by very few times and presents to live in a purple cave on the North side of Lincoln School. We try not to bother him and his family for fear that we make awake them during these hot sticky days. We want The Awesome Chewbacca's to be remain a GECRC friend for the rest of the summer and will do anything to keep him happy.

If you spot either the ferocious wolves, funky monkeys, Silly Jumping All-Star Dragons or The Awesome Chewbacca please let us know as soon as possible. Thanks!

Scheduling Chatter
We are still in desperate need of volunteers to come in for full-day or afternoon sessions (11:30am - 2:30pm). Since most of our recreational event occur in the afternoon it's so very important to have the appropriate number of volunteer to supervise each student for safety purposes. If we can keep all the student safe from the dragons, wolves, monkeys and The Awesome Chewbacca, I want to be sure we can keep them safe at the pool and on field-trips as well. Please join us, each day = 9:00am-2:30pm or 11:30am-2:30pm.

And Finally...
We have a young kindergartner (going into first grade) who is in need of a bathing suit to go to the pool on Friday. I wish I could tell you her size but all the information I have on hand is to tell you she is small - quite small. If you have a girl's used bathing suit on hand and would like to find it a home, consider offering it to our student to use this summer - she will be so appreciative!

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