With Less than One Week...
With Less Than One Week Ahead of Us
As we approach the first day of our Summer Program we at GECRC are continuing to become more and more excited about the summer ahead! GECRC Camp this year is going to be like never before with the implementation of new research-based practices that allow each student to find success while increasing in their ability to joyfully use the English Language. With the great energy and enthusiasm of the GECRC Staff, Interns and Volunteers we are sure to have a summer filled with exciting, energetic, and life-giving reading and writing fun!
Research shows that kids learn best working one-on-one. Although I'm sure we could get away with a larger student to staff ratio, why would we want to? Please, join us today! We are still accepting volunteer applications for summer positions. We are looking for volunteers to join us Mon. - Fri., 9:00am - 2:30pm, June 22nd - July 24th. At this time our greatest need is for volunteers for all afternoon shifts (11:30am - 2:30pm) although everyone is welcome at any time.
With your help this summer GECRC will be able to provide over 75 (yes, last week it was 70) students with a high level of academic support, enrichment and encouragement. We cannot do this without you!
Summer Volunteer Orientation
The Glen Ellyn Children's Resource Center is gearing up for our Summer Literacy & Life Skills 2009 program and we are looking for loads of volunteers to make this summer happen! If you have already signed-up or are still thinking about volunteering during the summer of 2009, please plan on attending:
GECRC Summer Volunteer Orientation.
Friday, June 19th, 2009
10:00 - 11:30am
Lincoln Elementary School, West Wing
Because we take Volunteering seriously, we want you to be informed! Therefore, we'll be discussing schedules for the summer and talking about how we can all work as a team to best serve the students. Breakfast snacks will be provided!
Students ages 12 -18 years must attend Orientation to volunteer this summer. All other Summer Volunteers are welcome to attend as well! Please RSVP by June 17th by contacting Jessica Rozga at director@gecrc.org or 630.899.9919.
Free Time this Thursday & Friday?
From 9:00am - 3:00pm this Thursday and Friday, June 18th & 19th, GECRC Staff and Interns will be moving, decorating, and setting up for our summer program at Lincoln Elementary School. It is our hope to set up a warm, welcoming, and exciting atmosphere for the Summer Program students who arrive this coming Monday. If you feel like you have decorating talent, are a master of drawing murals or simply enjoy the mundane task or moving boxes and organizing we would love to have you join us!
Because we will be moving boxes on Thursday morning, please call before coming over. Thursday afternoon and all day Friday we will be setting up. If you have any questions, please feel free to give me a call at 630.899.9919. We hope to see you there!
Help fill the internet gap
Are you internet savvy? Do you find great excitement in designing and maintaining web-sites? Do you experience fulfillment in serving your community at no cost (with the exception of payments in gratitude)? If so, then we have an exciting opportunity for you!
GECRC is looking for someone willing to evaluate the www.gecrc.org web-site and look into ways in which we can up-date it on a regular basis. We are hoping to move forward in increasing our ability to communicate with our volunteers, program stakeholders and families through a more up-dated design and information.
If you're interested we would love to talk with you more about this opportunity and dialog ways in which we can help you help us!
Hoping each of you are enjoying the warm weather and the hopeful sunny skies!
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